Welcome to Lydick United Methodist Church, physically located on South Bend's west side, but spiritually connected to Christians around the globe! We believe you'll find new relationships and God's blessings with new opportunities to serve, new relationships through the worship, study, servant and fellowship life shared by this assembly of people saved by grace.
Sunday Service: 10AM to 11AM Inspirational music starts our pre-service at 9:45; Worship begins at 10AM
A warm-hearted, relaxed service to experience God, sing His praises, join in prayers and giving, share children’s moments, and hear the pastor’s message of love, joy, forgiveness, peace, and opportunities to serve God. We offer “blended” worship with a singable mix of classic hymns, gospel songs, and contemporary choruses.
We have two options available to participate in our live worship:
In sanctuary at 10AM each Sunday at 26510 West Edison Road, South Bend, IN 46628-4522
By video on Facebook LIVE at 10AM each Sunday (or view the video any time that fits your schedule!) No Facebook account in required. You can simply go to https://www.facebook.com/LydickUMC and look for the "Live" tab to join.
All are welcome to join us for fellowship time in the Gathering Room down the hall from the sanctuary following service.
THIS SUNDAY'S LIVE STREAM Link is not active until Music starts at 945AM